Comfort has always been a much sought after commodity and it definitely is right now more than ever... in my experience one of the most effective and direct paths to it is via music. The directions to that place called Comfort can sometimes run across a street named Embarrassment though as some of the music I’ve looked to for that feeling hasn’t always synced up with the person I thought I was or the version that I wanted people to believe in.
It took years but I was fortunate enough to mostly grow out of that phase of self consciousness and I can now healthily own most of my indulgences.
In my experience this contrast in character and perceived taste is pretty common and has always had me curious about what songs other people look to for their own personal sense of deep musical joy, so I asked some friends and neighbors what they looked to in private moments of musical joy.
I present to you a mixtape about powerful emotions that dictate a need for powerful (and sometimes a little embarrassing) music.
I hope you enjoy it and thanks for listening.